Let's do Business! Local Food Networking Event
Last Call To Register: Deadline Monday April 17 at midnight!
"Business-to-business" local food networking event for local producers, processors, restaurants, caterers, retail stores and institutions looking to make business connections.
Join host organization Farms at Work at Towns & Leahy Mercantile and Deli in Douro. Our thanks to the new owners, Bernard and Lise Leahy & family, Nancy Towns and Mark Towns, for providing the venue for this event!
Together we can expand our local/regional food production network, create economic opportunities, support innovation and get local food on local plates!
You must register by the deadline to take advantage of our "matchaker" service! We will be pairing businesses for targeted speed-meetings, saving you time and ensuring you talk to the people who want to talk to you.
Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/east-central-local-food-networking-event-tickets-33130977646