Peterborough Farmers: Two important meetings

You must register for each of these important meetings next week where the Official Plan will be discussed as it relates to Agriculture. This is the culmination of several years of work by the County and has implications for the coming decade. 


1. Presentation by planner Margaret Walton from Planscape to discuss their report the Peterborough County draft Official Plan, Agricultural Policies

The background to this issue and resources, including the video of Margaret Walton's July presentation to Peterborough farmers, as well as a link to Planscape's new Report, may be found on the Agricultural Roundtable website here:

Register until Sunday March 14 at 3PM  here: 

2. Public online consultations on the new Official Plan 

March 17  6PM  is the date that agricultural aspects of the Official Plan will be open for discussion.

The Natural Heritage meeting on March 24th may also be of interest as there is an overlap of agricultural areas and natural heritage features and people may want to be aware of the restrictions in and around those features on a broader scale.

If you wish to participate in an electronic meeting in real time, register by email no later than 4:00p.m. on the day prior to the scheduled public open house and you will be provided with an invitation to join the meeting using your computer or phone. Email:
Please indicate in your email which open houses you will be attending.

All details may be found at this link: